

9:30 AM: Adult Sunday School

9:30 AM: Kids Sunday School

10:30 AM: Worship Service


7 PM: Adult Bible Study

7 PM: Kids 4 Truth

7 PM: Youth Group

To exalt God by making fully devoted followers of Christ

New Testament Baptist Church exists to exalt God

by making fully devoted followers of Christ.

Foundations Provided by Jesus Christ

“I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.”

- John 17:4

Any philosophy that seeks to define the aim, attributes, and actions of the Christian church must begin first with an understanding of these same qualities in Christ’s earthly ministry. Christ’s aim in all that he did on earth is revealed in His prayer to the Father in John 17. His unequivocal aim was to glorify the Father. Even though he prayed to receive glory, His own glory was not the end in itself; rather, Jesus knew that the glorification of the Son would result in the glorification of the Father.

All that Jesus did in manifesting the Father’s name to the people whom he was given, His true and devoted followers, those to whom he gave eternal life, qualified him to receive glory, which in turn glorified the Father.

Jesus’ mission was to glorify the Father by bringing redemption to man according to the Father’s eternal plan.

Through certain actions, Christ was able to effectively accomplish His mission. First, he prayed. He prayed both publically and privately, for himself and others, in times of difficulty, and before significant events (Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:25; Luke 6:12). Second, he preached and taught (Matthew 4:23; Luke 8:1). Third, he ministered to human needs (

Matthew 14:14). Fourth, he embodied discipleship by pouring himself into the lives of His followers.

The ministry attribute of self-sacrificial servant leadership characterized Jesus’ ministry while on earth. In the kingdom of God humble service is the rule, and Jesus is the premier example. To become first in Christ’s kingdom meant to be last on earth. Christ’s followers were expected to model their lives after His example. True greatness in Christ’s kingdom comes through serving others (Mark 9:35; 10:45; Luke 14:10-11). Another important

attribute of Jesus’ ministry is the faithfulness he exhibited in accomplishing all that the Father called him to do according to the plan of redemption (John 17:4: 19:30).

Since Jesus Christ is the foundation, builder, and architect of the New Testament church (Matthew 16:18), the aims, actions, and attributes of His ministry provide the foundation for all the church is called to accomplish in His name.

Foundations Provided by Jesus Christ

“I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.”
- John 17:4

Any philosophy that seeks to define the aim, attributes, and actions of the Christian church must begin first with an understanding of these same qualities in Christ’s earthly ministry. Christ’s aim in all that he did on earth is revealed in His prayer to the Father in John 17. His unequivocal aim was to glorify the Father. Even though he prayed to receive glory, His own glory was not the end in itself; rather, Jesus knew that the glorification of the Son would result in the glorification of the Father. All that Jesus did in manifesting the Father’s name to the people whom he was given, His true and devoted followers, those to whom he gave eternal life, qualified him to receive glory, which in turn glorified the Father. Jesus’ mission was to glorify the Father by bringing redemption to man according to the Father’s eternal plan.

Through certain actions, Christ was able to effectively accomplish His mission. First, he prayed. He prayed both publically and privately, for himself and others, in times of difficulty, and before significant events (Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:25; Luke 6:12). Second, he preached and taught (Matthew 4:23; Luke 8:1). Third, he ministered to human needs (

Matthew 14:14). Fourth, he embodied discipleship by pouring himself into the lives of His followers.

The ministry attribute of self-sacrificial servant leadership characterized Jesus’ ministry while on earth. In the kingdom of God humble service is the rule, and Jesus is the premier example. To become first in Christ’s kingdom meant to be last on earth. Christ’s followers were expected to model their lives after His example. True greatness in Christ’s kingdom comes through serving others (Mark 9:35; 10:45; Luke 14:10-11). Another important

attribute of Jesus’ ministry is the faithfulness he exhibited in accomplishing all that the Father called him to do according to the plan of redemption (John 17:4: 19:30).

Since Jesus Christ is the foundation, builder, and architect of the New Testament church (Matthew 16:18), the aims, actions, and attributes of His ministry provide the foundation for all the church is called to accomplish in His name.

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Headline Goes Here With Something Great

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© 2025 New Testament Baptist Church
All Rights Reserved
Worship: Sundays at 10:30 AM
N2232 Duborg Rd, Columbus, WI 53925